PRWeek Announced Maxim Behar  Best PR Professional in Europe

PRWeek Announced Maxim Behar  Best PR Professional in Europe

The good news in M3 Communications never stops! The most recent one is that our CEO Maxim Behar was awarded the Best PR Professional in Europe by the American magazine PRWeek. The award was announced during a special online ceremony of the prestigious international competition PRWeek Global Awards 2020, organized by the prominent media outlet.

Apart from being an experienced international PR expert and a former President of the most influential PR organization in the world ICCO, Maxim Behar is also the author of one of the best PR books at the moment – “The Global PR Revolution”. He is also the only Bulgarian to be inducted in the ICCO PR Wall of Fame.

You can watch the announcing of Maxim Behar’s award here. Find further information on the competition here, and watch the whole ceremony here.